"Passion For The Arts, Love For Local Theater"
at the historic Nuart Theatre

Volunteer with Blackfoot Community Players!

Sign up to help on one of our committees:
Show Director/Assistant Director/Music Director/Choreographer
Technical: Lights & Sound
Advertising/Public Relations/Photography/Videography
Set Building/Backstage Work
Front of House/ Tickets/Concessions
Click HERE to fill out our volunteer form!
The Nuart Theatre could not run without the Blackfoot Community Players board of directors and the hundreds of dedicated individuals in our community that give freely of their time and talents. The underlying success of the Nuart Theatre is the PEOPLE and their commitment and love of great live theater.
We sincerely appreciate every individual that has given of their time to bring great theater to Blackfoot. We are a 100% volunteer organization, and because of this we are able to keep our ticket prices as low as possible for our patrons.
The Blackfoot Community Players board of directors is always on the lookout for dedicated individuals who love theater as much as we do. We have many areas for volunteer opportunities, and are willing to train in any and all areas of interest! All you have to do is reach out to us!